शिक्षामित्रों के समायोजन और 72825 प्रशिक्षु शिक्षक भर्ती के संबंध में सुप्रीम कोर्ट का 24 अगस्त 2016 का निर्णय हुआ अपलोड : क्लिक करके देखें फैसले का मूल सार
शिक्षामित्रों के समायोजन और 72825 प्रशिक्षु शिक्षक भर्ती के संबंध में सुप्रीम कोर्ट का 24 अगस्त 2016 का निर्णय हुआ अपलोड : क्लिक करके देखें फैसले का मूल सार।
UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following
The special leave petitions and writ petitions which relate to the grievance of Shiksha Mitras be listed on 23.011.2016.
If any order has been passed requiring the State to file any affidavit, the State shall do so within four weeks hence. Needless to say, all other contesting parties are entitled to
file their affidavits.
file their affidavits.
This Court on 7.12.2016 and 24.2.2016 had passed certain interim orders. Learned counsel for the petitioners, who are the beneficiaries of the said orders, have raised the grievance that
the orders passed by this Court have not yet been complied with by the State.
the orders passed by this Court have not yet been complied with by the State.
Mr. Dinesh Dwivedi, learned senior counsel shall file an affidavit of the competent authority, preferably the Secretary of the Department concerned, how they are going to comply with them or is there any real difficulty in complying with them. Be it clarified, the stand of the State shall be addressed only at the time of final hearing. Be it stated, in course of hearing we have found that a series of Interlocutory Applications seeking similar reliefs have been filed.
Some of the learned counsel appearing for the parties submitted that regard being had to the earlier orders, especially order dated 24.2.2016, the matter shall be heard on merits.
We have already adjourned the special leave petitions and writ petitions pertaining to Shiksha Mitras to 23.11.2016. In our CA Nos. 4347-4375/2014 21 considered opinion, this batch of matters should be heard earlier
than that.
than that.
In view of the aforesaid, let the matters be listed on 5.10.2016. The matter shall be taken up as the first case on the Board. When the matter shall be taken up for final hearing, all
status reports shall be taken into consideration.
status reports shall be taken into consideration.
Let a copy of Writ Petition No.102 of 2016 be served on Mr. Dinesh Dwivedi, being assisted by Mr. Abhisht Kumar, learned। counsel for the State so that he will be in a position to obtain
instructions in the matter.
instructions in the matter.
Civil Appeal Nos.4347-4375 of 2014 filed by the State shall be heard. Registry is directed to list the matters accordingly on the date fixed, that is, 05.10.2016.
(Gulshan Kumar Arora) (H.S. Parasher)
Court Master Court Master
Court Master Court Master
शिक्षामित्रों के समायोजन और 72825 प्रशिक्षु शिक्षक भर्ती के संबंध में सुप्रीम कोर्ट का 24 अगस्त 2016 का निर्णय हुआ अपलोड : क्लिक करके देखें फैसले का मूल सार
Reviewed by प्रवीण त्रिवेदी
4:37 PM

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