सहसमन्वयकों को विज्ञापित वेतन क्रम ₹ 18150 देने के मामले में हाईकोर्ट ने अपनाया कड़ा रुख, 24 अप्रैल तक संयुक्त सचिव से ऊपर के अधिकारी की व्यक्तिगत पेशी का दिया आदेश
सहसमन्वयकों को विज्ञापित वेतन क्रम ₹ 18150 देने के मामले में हाईकोर्ट ने अपनाया कड़ा रुख, 24 अप्रैल तक संयुक्त सचिव से ऊपर के अधिकारी की व्यक्तिगत पेशी का दिया आदेश
Court No. - 7
Case :- SERVICE SINGLE No. - 3665 of 2015
Petitioner :- Raj Kumar Tiwari & 3 Ors.
Respondent :- State Of U.P. Thru. Secy. Basic Education & 6 Ors.
Counsel for Petitioner :- Pt. S. Chandra
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Ajai Kumar,J.B.S. Rathour,Jogendra
Nath Verma,Rahul Shukla
Hon'ble Rajan Roy,J.
Heard Pt. S. Chandra, learned counsel for the petitioners,
learned Standing Counsel for the State and Shir Ajay Kumar,
learned counsel for the B.S.A., Basti.
Inspite of lapse of more than one and half years no counter
affidavit has been filed by the State Government nor the Basic
Education Officers except Basic Education Officer, Basti. As,
the matter involves a policy matter, therefore, the State
Government should have filed the counter affidavit.
List/ put up on 24.04.2017 to enable the learned Standing
Counsel to seek specific instructions in the light of the order
dated 30.06.2015 as to why the petitioners are not entitled to the
salary/ pay-scale mentioned in the Government Order dated
02.02.2011 and how the Government Order dated 08.06.2015 is
If the instructions are not received in the office of the learned
Chief Standing Counsel by the evening of 23.04.2017, then, an
Officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary of Basic
Education shall appear in person before this Court to facilitate
further proceedings.
Order Date :- 7.4.2017
Case :- SERVICE SINGLE No. - 3665 of 2015
Petitioner :- Raj Kumar Tiwari & 3 Ors.
Respondent :- State Of U.P. Thru. Secy. Basic Education & 6 Ors.
Counsel for Petitioner :- Pt. S. Chandra
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Ajai Kumar,J.B.S. Rathour,Jogendra
Nath Verma,Rahul Shukla
Hon'ble Rajan Roy,J.
Heard Pt. S. Chandra, learned counsel for the petitioners,
learned Standing Counsel for the State and Shir Ajay Kumar,
learned counsel for the B.S.A., Basti.
Inspite of lapse of more than one and half years no counter
affidavit has been filed by the State Government nor the Basic
Education Officers except Basic Education Officer, Basti. As,
the matter involves a policy matter, therefore, the State
Government should have filed the counter affidavit.
List/ put up on 24.04.2017 to enable the learned Standing
Counsel to seek specific instructions in the light of the order
dated 30.06.2015 as to why the petitioners are not entitled to the
salary/ pay-scale mentioned in the Government Order dated
02.02.2011 and how the Government Order dated 08.06.2015 is
If the instructions are not received in the office of the learned
Chief Standing Counsel by the evening of 23.04.2017, then, an
Officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary of Basic
Education shall appear in person before this Court to facilitate
further proceedings.
Order Date :- 7.4.2017
चयन विज्ञप्ति एवं सम्बन्धित शासनादेश के अनुरूप 18150/- अनुमन्य किये जाने सम्बन्धी विषय पर काउंटर लगाये जाने सम्बन्धी पूर्व में 30.06.2015 को जारी आदेश
eLegalix - Allahabad High Court Judgment Information System(Judgment/Order in Text Format)This is an UNCERTIFIED copy for information/reference. For authentic copy please refer to certified copy only. In case of any mistake, please bring it to the notice of Deputy Registrar(Copying).HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD, LUCKNOW BENCH?Court No. - 10Case :- SERVICE SINGLE No. - 3665 of 2015Petitioner :- Raj Kumar Tiwari & 3 Ors.Respondent :- State Of U.P. Thru. Secy. Basic Education & 6 Ors.Counsel for Petitioner :- Pt. S. ChandraCounsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Ajai Kumar,J.B.S. Rathour,Rahul ShuklaHon'ble Rajan Roy,J.Heard learned counsel for the parties.The petitioners herein were working as Assistant Teachers in Junior High School when the Government Order dated 2.2.2011 was issued prescribing the procedure for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Block Resources Coordinator etc.One of the stipulations as contained in Para-7 Clause(4) was that the salary equivalent to Headmaster of aJunior High School would be payable to such appointees. In spite of this, the petitioners after being appointed, have not been paid the salary as prescribed in the Government Order dated 2.2.2011, though they have completed the tenure of three years and their term has also been renewed.�The grievance is that another Government Order dated 8.6.2015 has been issued, whereby the above mentioned stipulation in the earlier Government Order has been modified and it has been provided that the salary in the pay scale of Headmaster of a Junior High School will be admissible only to such appointees, who were being paid salary in the said scale and not otherwise. The contention is that; firstlythe Government Order is absolutely arbitrary and against the terms and conditions of the earlier Government Order, based on which, the petitioners applied and were appointed; and secondly it does have retrospective effect.Let a counter affidavit be filed by the respondents within three weeks.The entitlement of salary on the post in question shallbe subject to further orders of this Court.Order Date :- 30.6.2015Sachin
सहसमन्वयकों को विज्ञापित वेतन क्रम ₹ 18150 देने के मामले में हाईकोर्ट ने अपनाया कड़ा रुख, 24 अप्रैल तक संयुक्त सचिव से ऊपर के अधिकारी की व्यक्तिगत पेशी का दिया आदेश
Reviewed by sankalp gupta
11:50 PM